信誉最好的网投平台排名是一个位于郊区的住宿校园. Parking on campus is limited; permits are required in most lots. 在区内街道停车时,请遵守张贴的停车规则.
WLC访客停车场位于 前圆 (8800 W. Bluemound Rd.)和在 康乐综合地面地段 (8725 W. 威斯康辛州大街.). Visitors should either park in their designated reserved parking spot on the 前圆 or obtain a visitor parking permit from the front-desk receptionist in the Greenfield Administration Building, 公共安全办事处(康乐中心下层), 或者拨打414公共安全电话.443.8500.
Visitors may also use street parking; please follow the posted parking regulations.
正常营业时间, please see the front-desk receptionist in the Greenfield Administration Building if you need specific directions on campus or check the 校园地图.
对于校园里的一些特殊活动 停车中心 (8701 W. 威斯康辛州大街.)可能会开放供访客泊车.
Campus visitors who park legally but receive a parking citation from WLC should immediately present the citation to the 教师/工作人员 member or WLC student they were visiting. 的 教师/工作人员 member or student will forward the citation with an explanation to Public Safety.