- - 133年的一份报告
- 学术目录
- 认证
- 校园地图及教学设施
- 大学身份信誉最好的网投平台排名 (使命、愿景、认证)
- 大学导航器 (U.S. 部门. 的教育)
- 大学的计分卡
- 教师/员工目录
- 人力资源及法律通知书
- 项目完整性声明(见下表)
- 国家授权
- 本科和研究生课程
此处提及任何特定的商业产品, 过程, 或者通过商品名称提供服务, 商标, 制造商, 或以其他方式, 不一定构成或暗示其认可, 建议, 或被威斯康辛路德学院录取. 任何意见, 发现, 在本网址或从本网址链接的文件中提供的文件中表达的结论或建议是作者的观点,并不一定反映威斯康辛路德会学院的观点.
在此URL中获取文档, 威斯康辛路德学院不作任何保证, 明示或暗示, 包括 the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. 进一步, 信誉最好的网投平台排名 does not assume legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, 完整性, 或披露的任何信誉最好的网投平台排名的有用性. 威斯康辛路德会学院不作任何声明,使用此网址提供的文件不会侵犯私人拥有的权利.
巴克利修正案: 威斯康辛路德学院自愿遵守 家庭教育权和隐私权法案 (FERPA)及其修正案. Students have the right to inspect the contents of their campus files and records. 除“目录信誉最好的网投平台排名”以外的学生信誉最好的网投平台排名,未经学生授权,不得向学院外的人发布. 《信誉最好的网投平台排名》所建立的父母与子女之间的关系,在分享学生健康方面的重要信誉最好的网投平台排名时,得到了学院的认可, 状态, 和父母的幸福.
- 可用的经济援助计划 (联邦、州、地方、私人和机构)
- 的付款信誉最好的网投平台排名
- 大学费用
- 联系财政援助
- 如何申请经济资助
- Institutional Refund Policy, Including Return of Title IV Funds
- 贷款入学辅导
- 贷款退出咨询
- 净价计算器
- 优先贷款人安排
- 私立教育贷款披露
- 令人满意的学业进步标准 (接受、维持及/或重建经济援助)
- 学生就业
- 学生资助信誉最好的网投平台排名
- 学生贷款资料
信誉最好的网投平台排名 State License/ Certification Disclosure Statement - Teacher Education
信誉最好的网投平台排名 offers academic programs that are designed to lead to state licensure. 这些程序列在下面, along with an indication of whether the program meets the educational requirements for licensure in all U.S. 各州及地区.
初等/中等和M.A. 向初级专业化教学过渡
程序: B.S. 在小学/中学教育,M.A.ED. in Teacher Education with Elementary Education Specialization
- 学历要求: AS, AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DC, DE, FL, GU, HI, IA, ID, IN, KS, ME, MI, MN, MO, MP, MS, NE, NC, ND, NH, NJ, NV, OK, OR, RI, SC, TN, VT, VI, WV, WI, WY
- 不符合学历要求: AL, CT, GA, ID, IL, KY, LA , MA, MD, MT, NE, NM, NY, OH, PA, PR, SD, TX, UT, VA, WA
- 未作出决定: 没有一个
看到 美国教育委员会网站 for additional information and a state-by-state breakdown of certification requirements and licensing bodies.
程序: B.S. 在中等/中等教育中,M.A.ED. in Teacher Education with Secondary Education Specialization
- 学历要求: AS, AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DC, DE, FL, GU, HI, IA, ID, IN, KS, ME, MI, MN, MO, MP, MS, NE, NC, ND, NH, NJ, NV, OK, OR, RI, SC, TN, VT, VI, WV, WI, WY
- 不符合学历要求: AL, CT, GA, ID, IL, KY, LA , MA, MD, MT, NE, NM, NY, OH, PA, PR, SD, TX, UT, VA, WA
- 未作出决定: 没有一个
看到 美国教育委员会网站 for additional information and a state-by-state breakdown of certification requirements and licensing bodies.
信誉最好的网投平台排名 administrative licensure programs (Director of Instruction - 5010; Principal - 5051; and Director of Special Education/Pupil Services - 5080) meet the state educational requirement for licensure only in Wisconsin.
看到 美国教育委员会网站 for additional information and a state-by-state breakdown of certification requirements and licensing bodies.
U.S. 领土的缩写
美属萨摩亚- AS
关岛- GU
北马里亚纳群岛- MP
波多黎各- PR
维尔京群岛- VI
从2011年7月1日开始.S. 教育部法规,以提高高等教育法(HEA)第四章授权的项目的完整性, 经修订的(“项目完整性规则”), 生效. 项目完整性规则要求, 除此之外, 授权在一个或多个州提供高等教育的每所学院或大学确保进入投诉程序,允许学生消费者解决以下问题:
- Alleged violations of State consumer protection laws that include but are not limited to fraud and false advertising;
- Alleged violations of State laws or rules relating to the licensure of postsecondary institutions; and
- Complaints relating to the quality of education or other State or ac信贷ation requirements.
信誉最好的网投平台排名, as an institution authorized to provide postsecondary education in the State of Wisconsin, is committed to full compliance with the Program Integrity Rule, and provides the following confirmation to all current and/or prospective students:
高等教育委员会的中北部学院和学校协会认可信誉最好的网投平台排名. You may review the College's ac信贷ation documents in the HLC机构目录.
信誉最好的网投平台排名 seeks to resolve all student concerns in a timely and effective manner. 为此目的, this complaint 过程 serves as an ongoing means for students to discuss concerns or register formal complaints that pertain to alleged violations of State consumer protection laws that include but are not limited to fraud and false advertising; alleged violations of State laws or rules relating to the licensure of postsecondary institutions; and complaints relating to the quality of education or other State or ac信贷ation requirements. 教务长办公室, 学生生活, 招生, 财务主管, 注册商, and Financial 援助 all provide specific administrative means to address and resolve most, 如果不是所有的问题和担忧,你可能有. The contact information for each of these 办公室 is provided below:
- Office of the Provost (academic programs, ac信贷ation): 414.443.8614; 约翰Kolander
- 学生生活办公室(学生和信誉最好的网投平台排名):414.443.8825; Jon德国人
- 招生办公室(入学资格):414.443.8811; 卢卡斯浮士德
- 财务司办公室(学费/费用支付):414.443.8855; 丽莎Mazurkiewicz
- 注册办公室(学术记录):414.443.8785; 布雷特Valerio
- 财政援助办公室(贷款、奖学金、助学金):414.443.8856; 琳达Loeffel
学生应充分利用学院的任何/所有行政程序,尽可能及时地解决问题和/或投诉. 有时, 然而, 学生可能认为这些行政程序没有充分解决根据项目完整性规则确定的问题. In those select cases, the following independent procedures are provided:
- The Division of Trade and Consumer Protection of the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, 贸易和消费者保护(以下简称“司”)负责接收和审查学生消费者对学院或大学在提供高等教育学术课程和活动中涉嫌欺诈或滥用行为的投诉, 包括, 例如, 欺诈或虚假广告. Complaints may be filed with the Division in written or electronic form 在线.
- 威斯康辛州总检察长办公室有权调查和起诉违反州消费者法的行为, 包括有关欺骗性广告的法律, 信贷, 慈善募捐, 电信, 电话营销和销售. 办事处与其他国家合作, the Federal Trade Commission and other federal agencies in addressing national consumer protection issues. 进一步, 威斯康辛州司法部消费者保护办公室负责受理其他州机构提交给该部门的案件. Complaints may be filed with the Wisconsin Department of Justice Office of Consumer Protection 在线.
- 中北部学院和学校协会的高等教育委员会(“HLC”)是一个独立的机构,负责信誉最好的网投平台排名提供的课程认证. HLC relies on constant contact with the College to ensure quality higher learning. Ac信贷ed institutions are required to 提交 progress reports, 监测报告, 应急报告, 以及年度报告, 以及参加重点访问. Each year, HLC receives a number of complaints from students or other parties. When a complaint raises issues regarding an institution’s ability to meet ac信贷ation criteria, HLC will forward a copy of the complaint to the institution and request a formal response. 投诉可向高等教育委员会提出 在线.
- 各种其他国家机构或国家委员会, which are involved in the evaluation and approval of institutional programs, or in the granting of professional certification or licensure, 也可以联系. These agencies include, but may not be limited to, the following: 护理委员会, Department of Public Instruction (teacher preparation programs): 电子邮件. 如果您目前正在注册, 或者预期入学人数, 在需要国家机构或委员会授权和/或执照的教育项目中,没有在这里列出, 请联系教务长办公室.
The 6-year graduation rate for full-time undergraduate students entering in Fall 2017 is 62.7%.
79.9%的第一次, full-time undergraduate students who enrolled in the Fall of 2022 returned in the Fall of 2023.
“学院致力于提供高质量的教学, 奖学金, and service that are rooted in Holy Scripture; promoting the spiritual growth of students, 教师, and staff; and preparing students for lives of Christian leadership.”
- 学校鼓励学生通过各种机会和形式敬拜上帝:94%的学生同意或非常同意这一说法
- 这个校园里有一个环境,鼓励我发展反映我对耶稣基督信仰的价值观:91%的学生同意或强烈同意这一说法
- 我的专业课程帮助我思考基督教价值观与我未来职业的关系:88%的学生同意或强烈同意这一说法
- 因为我信誉最好的网投平台排名的经历, I have learned principles of Christian leadership: 88% of students agreed or strongly agreed with statement
Source: WLC Spiritual Growth Survey of Traditional Undergraduates, March 2024
- 2019年5月护理专业毕业生100%, 2020年5月护理专业毕业生的96%, 2021年5月,93%的护理专业毕业生, 2022年5月,94%的护理毕业生, 2023年5月,95%的护理专业毕业生第一次就通过了国家委员会考试[国家护理委员会全国委员会(NCLEX-RN)].
- For the 12th year in a row (since the 2011-2012 academic year), 我校传统本科教育专业100%的学生获得了教学工作,并获得了相应的国家执照.
- In 2011, 威斯康星州立法机构通过了第166号法案, 该法案要求威斯康辛州公共教育部(DPI)制作一份该州教育工作者准备计划(EPP)的年度报告。. 该报告必须包括项目完成者的信誉最好的网投平台排名和州要求的绩效评估的首次通过率. Information on the WLC School of Education is linked in the 教育工作者准备劳动力分析报告.
毕业后六个月内,87人.0% of all alumni graduating between December 2018 and December 2022 reported they were either working, 正在接受或正在寻求额外的教育, 或从事军事或志愿服务. Comparable values by individual program types: Adult Degree Completion - 98.4%; Graduate - 97.5%; Traditional Undergraduate - 83.4%.
资料来源:结果调查, administered by WLC in partnership with Grad Leaders; based on the response of 1,181年毕业生
- 职业服务、实习和工作机会
- 体育权益披露报告 (click Get Data for One School, then Search 信誉最好的网投平台排名)
In accordance with the Equity in 体育运动 Disclosure Act of 1994 (Section 360B of Pub. L. 103-382), 每个学生都有权收到学校上一学年的体育信誉最好的网投平台排名. This information is available after October 15 of every year. 本联邦法规适用于所有参加联邦学生经济援助计划的男女同校高等教育机构, 联邦SEOG, and Federal SSIG Grants; Federal Work Study; and Federal Family education, 联邦帕金斯, 威廉·D. Ford Federal Direct Loans) and have intercollegiate athletic programs. - WLC提供的学生活动
- 为残疾学生提供的服务
- 谅解声明
- Student Complaint Policies and Procedures (see the Program Integrity Statement, above)